Sunday, March 20, 2016

8 years

Last Tuesday was our eighth anniversary. Eighth. It doesn't seem nearly that long yet I can barely remember, much less imagine our life any way but together. It hasn't been all smooth roads. I mean, he put up with me through 4 pregnancies and I kept my sanity while he went to nursing school for 3 years then worked nights for 2 years. We are so blessed though and even though it's been hard work at times we would do it all over again. We didn't do a whole lot of celebrating but that's ok. We were together and that's all I cared about.
He got me 5 roses. One from him and one from each of the children.
Beautiful. The fact that they are in a lemonade bottle makes me love them even more. So practical :)
We also snuck some ice cream one night after the children were in bed. Typically we eat the whole carton as soon as we get home because there isn't room in the freezer but Eldon got a BIG carton this time. Hooray for leftovers.
Flashback to 8 years ago.
I do miss being the favorite single Aunt that could spoil the nieces and nephews with abandon.
With this week being Spring break, my parents decided to drive the 3 hours down to Brownwood and spend Thursday with us. We enjoyed it so much.
Grandma does what she has to in order to bribe my baby :)
Dad was a very bad example and stirred up an ant hill just to look at the ants swarm. Michael is still asking why he did that.
Walking around and showing them our stomping grounds.
Michael and Makayla with their Aunt Melody.
Just hanging out at the Grand Staircase
I love this place

 The more ambitious ones took a hike while mom and I stayed home and gave the 2 youngest naps.
A kind neighbor gave us their beach ball as they pulled out. He also gave us a kite!
For supper we grilled chicken and roasted marshmallows. Emily likes to roast them "properly" and she does a fantastic job!
Our cheap little bubble machine has brought many smiles.
Next week I'm getting a washer but for now they think it's a blast to hand wash Eldon's scrubs. Otherwise we can almost go 2 weeks without doing laundry.
Just you know, doing math.
Michael is thrilled to have finished the "E" book and move on. I have loved going through this set of books from Rod and Staff with my preschoolers. They are excellent and I highly recommend them!
Being a nurse like daddy
I put his jacket and he ran and got the carrier for me. I'm not sure which one of us likes it more.
Tomorrow we are planning to go to the Abilene Zoo. We have an annual pass for the Waco Zoo and also get free access into a lot of others so we are trying to take advantage of it.

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