Thursday, April 19, 2018

What do we do all day?

    Apparently, a lot of people wonder this. I can't tell you often I've heard, "So, what do you do all day when Eldon works and you have no vehicle? Just sit in the camper?" And, I wonder, how many others simply don't ask, but still wonder? #1, Our camper is our house, just like your house is your house. #2, I LOVED to stay home all day when I had a house and I still love it. #3, Believe it or not, we still do need to cook, clean, do laundry, school, and everything that you do. #4, If we do just sit in the camper all day, then that is just fine and you can go your merry way. [Note, I speak sarcasm as a second language]

So, without further ado, I give you an assortment of pictures from the last few months so that you can see what we do all day.

"Just flap your arms and you'll fly, just like a bird. I'll catch you if it doesn't work."

The Page Library had boxes of toys and games we could check out so we loved having new stuff every week!

Tightening my knobs!

Creating cloth dolls :)

Eating oatmeal! Eating is such a big part of every day.

Tablet time. This doesn't happen nearly every day but then some days it lasts a loooong time :).

And sometimes, we eat oatmeal with our hands :(.

Makayla wrote a play, they made costumes and acted it out. Michael the Brave saved Emily the Princess from falling over a cliff :).

Easter cookies on clearance were a huge hit. The tiny tubes of icing are perfect for little hands.

So many messes to clean up! That is smoothie, and it's incredible how many crevices that silly heater has. It's also shocking how bad it stinks when it burns food off.

A boy and his tools. He'll play for hours with his new birthday set!

We play cowboy and race down the street on scooters!

While in Page, AZ, we ate amazing food that we ordered in........frequently :)

Sniffing cupcakes!

Some days we go to the playground so certain people can climb on the walls instead of the slide.

School, so much school!

I even use chocolate chips as bribes rewards.

Most days, at least Ethan takes a nap.

This is a leprechaun trap. Yes, you read that right. They wanted to catch one and find his pot of gold :).

And now, I realize that I still don't have pictures of us: 
washing dishes
 scrubbing toilets, sinks, and showers
 sweeping floors
 hanging up and folding laundry
 making yogurt
 brewing Kombucha
 feeding sourdough
 reading stories
 practicing Bible memory
 emptying tanks
 defrosting the fridge and freezer
cleaning the truck
putting groceries away
sewing (and giving lessons on it)

I'm sure there's more but I'm feeling rather tired after realizing what all we do. I'm going to go have a coffee. You enjoy sitting in your house-all day :).

1 comment:

  1. "You enjoy sitting in your house all day." Love your sarcasm. Lol! :)))
