Monday, March 20, 2017

Our table project

     Earlier this year we ripped out our dinette benches and table as well as the carpet underneath it. Eldon installed laminate flooring and we bought a lovely, practical table from IKEA. A few weeks ago Eldon got the brilliant idea to get a wood-burning kit and use it on our table top. I admit, I was a bit leery at first because I love this table so much and didn't want anything to mess it up but it turned out gorgeous!

By far the hardest job was getting it traced on but even that turned out to be fairly easy! We were able to print these huge maps free then simply placed carbon paper underneath and got to drawing over every little line!

All traced on!

The United States side completed! There is a mistake somewhere and it looks huge now that we found it. But I'm not going to say where it is- you can find if if you like :).

Working hard :).

The world map completed!

It was hard to get a shot of the whole table but here it is. Now we want to add a quote in the middle but haven't decided yet. We are open to suggestions :). 


  1. I had trouble finding a mistake. Is it the little point where Iowa joins Missouri and Illinois, or am I missing something much more obvious? As for a quote, I thought of the line from The Lord of the Rings: "Not all those who wander are lost." I must say, though, that quote has become quite common and may be overused...

    1. Nope. It's Wisconsin and the Great Lakes. Something really weird happened and we made a line right where there shouldnt' be. I'm not sure how and it took us about a week to figure it out.

      I like that quote a lot too :).
