Sunday, April 24, 2016

Lots and lots of pictures!

We have had a delightful weekend! Eldon is off every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and we typically drive the 3 hours to my parents Friday morning then back to Brownwood Sunday after church. We only have one week left here so we decided to just stay here this weekend. He has loved being at the state park on a weekend and getting to chat with many people about trucks and campers and guy things. It's also extremely windy this afternoon so we are thankful to not be driving down here. I'm due for an update and not sure where to start so I'll just share a lot of pictures and make a few comments!

2 weeks ago we had a birthday party for Makayla and Ethan at dads. Makayla wanted to decorate her own cake. I was fine with that! 

I made this for Ethan. We skipped the candle because he is terrified of anything "hot" and I didn't feel that it was worth his tears just for a silly tradition.

My 7 year old. How did that happen?!

The children each got him a book.

Mom is making her a nightgown. She is thrilled beyond words. 

Our gift to him. Love his expression!

A watch!

HOME. Love this sight!

They do like each sometimes :)

The flowers are beyond amazing.

Wide open blue skies. I thank God nearly everyday for bringing me back to a place with open spaces!

Making eggs. Because I can't do everything myself and they love eggs for breakfast.

Our egg-cracker.

Fun afternoon

We made a campfire for the first time since we are here!

Normal water level. A few days ago this whole area was under water.

Brothers. They already tear around!

Making a cake.

Sewing on paper. She's been begging to sew for a year so I let her for about 3 days and she hasn't talked about it since :)

Hanging out at McDonalds on a rainy day.

The lake slowly rising.

The lovely job of emptying the tanks. Eldon can't wait until Michael can do it himself! I needed to do it  last week and he carefully told me everything I need to do. Little Mr. Responbible, that one is.

Morning coffee


All the rain did some not so good things to the campground.

Our neighbor gave her a chicken drumstick. She stuck it in her basket and would randomly pull it out an chew on it.


Caught this sweet moment last night.

This is one of the most fun things they ever did, according to Michael! Riding bike on the road that still has water over it :). 
That's it for today! Have a great day!

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