Sunday, April 17, 2016

Happy Birthday Makayla!

I'm one day late, her birthday was yesterday but I just didn't get this done. When I start looking back through old pictures I tend to get very distracted! Makayla Monica (named after me of course) will always have the firstborn status in this house. She has the personality that goes right along with being the oldest girl and we have to work hard to curb that bossy, manipulative spirit in her :) . I never cease to be amazed how she can convince a sibling exactly why they want the smaller cookie or broken tractor but she's got it down to a fine art! Thankfully she is most often the kindest and gentlest little girl I've met yet.

Dr. Phelps with us on delivery day. We know that we are blessed beyond measure to have had her deliver all 4 of our children. You know you have a good OB when you miss going to prenatal visits just to chat :).
This darling baby was so high maintenance that I still shudder thinking about it! Her first 3 months were spent eating, crying, and sleeping. In that order. She was over 6 months old before she (and I) slept more then 2 hours at a time. A parents love is an amazing thing. So much change to our lives, and not nearly all easy but we wouldn't have traded her for all the money in the world. She spent her first 2 years glued to my side. I talked non-stop to attempt to stop the crying when she was a baby and as she grew older, I kept right on explaining what I was doing. All. The . Time. 7 years later, a trip along to the grocery store has me talking to the empty cart and really missing answering 41 questions.  
1 week old, caught in a rare moment of sleep.

With her Aunts, Melissa and Melody These three are now 7, 9, and 13 and play for hours together.

I just want to squish her!
Apparently, blogger didn't want to put my pictures in order and I'm to busy to do it right now. Or lazy. You decide.

Reading glasses. I love them on her.

Riding with daddy. They were both thrilled when he bought her a helmet and went every Sunday afternoon they could! I love to see them spend time together.

She is such a help to me! Ethan adores her, and most of the time Michael and Emily do too.

She loves to read. I love to find her reading to other kids :) . She connects so well with younger children and is often found entertaining them in a group. 

Packing eggs with my dad a few weeks ago. For the most part she likes to work (thankfully) and she spent hours here, picking out small eggs.

Her marshmallow caught fire the other night and I wish I could have captured the drama that followed. Yeah, we're trying to get a little handle on that too!

7 Years old!

Lake Brownwood in the background
Happy birthday sweet girl! We thank God every day for granting us the gift of caring for you.

 Last week she told us that instead of getting married she would like to save her money and buy her own rig when she turns 18 and follow us around. We're good with that!

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