Friday, September 4, 2020

Black Hills Baptist Bible Camp 2020

     2020 was Makayla's third year attending Black Hills Baptist Bible Camp and Michael's first. The camp is located 3.5 hours from us, in Wyoming. A total of 11 went from Baker, 8 campers and the others as a counsellor, jr. counsellor, and a camp nurse.

Excitement was flying high!

     Their week is packed full with evangelist time, outdoor activities, choir, campfire services, and a dedicated time to Bible memory. They always come home exhausted but love every minute of it.I've got a jumble of pictures from several sources so they are out of order and some are terrible quality but here's a glimpse of their week.

Michael won a second place ribbon for Bible memory in his grade.

And Makayla won a first place ribbon for Bible memory in her grade!

Each day the people who get mail have to sing a song at lunchtime. This is all kids from Baker :). 

Joining choir is optional but Makayla wanted to and Michael followed her lead.

Michael during archery.

Archery is one of Makayla's favorite activities.

Michael's cabin and his 2 counsellors.

Teamwork activity-transfering water as a relay race.

I'll claim him!

A better picture of the choir.

Not my child, but Michael said he did hang upside down on the zip-line. This is high on their list of favorite activities too.

Evening service at the campfire.

Michael's activity team after their archery session.


Bible Memory time.


Michael was disappointed about the 2 cookie only rule😂 

Makayla's airsoft team.

Lots of object lessons were used to teach. It certainly helped it stick!
      A few questions I asked both of them:

A lesson I learned:
Makayla: How to read my Bible better.
Michael: The lesson about purity and how even a little dirt makes Pepsi gross. And that Adoniram Judson was the first American Missionary to go out of country.

What was your favorite activity at camp?
Makayla: Archery.
Michael: The zipline!

What was the tastiest meal?
Makayla: Biscuits and gravy
Michael: Pancakes

What was you least favorite food?
Makayla: All the vegetables!
Michael: Party potatoes because they had onions.

What was the hardest thing you did?
Makayla: Trying to hit the target in archery.
Michael: The backwards throw on frisbee golf.

What was your favorite camp song?
Makayla: I'll Say Yes, Lord, Yes.
Michael: Be a Missionary.

What was the funniest thing that happened at camp?
Makayla: In the play the man playing Adoniram Judson compared dunking Oreo cookies to baptism.
Michael: When the man giving awards for Bible Memory tried to award himself.

What do you think will stick with you?
Makayla: Learning how to read my Bible better.
Michael: The verses I memorized.