Monday, November 16, 2020

Photo tour of our rental house

     As promised, here is a photo tour of our house. If you think we have acquired a ridiculous amount of stuff, it's true. I will say though, no furniture or decor is new. In fact, most of it was free and headed for the dumpster so that's even better! Having friends who are moving across the country was a blessing in this way but O the stuff my children collected! 🤦‍♀️

The girls room. 

 Isn't that plastic gold mirror perfectly hideous? But, someone didn't want it and the girls wanted a mirror so......

One more of their room. They think it's so wonderful to have so much stuff. Until it comes to cleaning, haha. Makayla has already committed to throwing 1 thing a week away :). 

The children's bathroom. 

The boys room. 

And again.

One more!

Looking back the hall. The boys room is the first left, the bathroom straight back, and the girls the last left. Exactly like the trailer I grew up in. The bookcase in the hallway has all our school books. 

One corner of the living room. This table is where I sit with Emily and Ethan to do school. The bookcase is full of books, games, and puzzles that were almost all going to the trash. We are slowly working our way through them and keeping some, pitching some (puzzles with missing pieces, ect) and also have a donation box. 

Living room. It's so nice to have comfortable couch room for everyone!

I love how the living room and kitchen are open-my favorite floor plan!

The laundry room is off of the kitchen. Have I mentioned how nice it is to have a full sized washer? I'm still a tightwad though, and try to save electricity and not use the dryer :). 


Kitchen from a different angle. Our bedroom is straight ahead and the laundry room to the left of the fridge. 

Our bathroom. It has a garden tub that I thought was a waste of space but I've learned to appreciate it now!

The other side of our bathroom.

We have a lovely closet but as you can see, it's the catch all place.

Our bedroom is massive as well.

The door you see leads to the bathroom.

     The question we get all.the.time. now is how we like living in a house. It's great, especially not having to mess with frozen pipes in cold water. We specifically like comfortable couches, full-sized washer and oven, and not having to clean up every little thing all the time. A few things we DON'T like is the small windows, tiny yard, amount of cleaning, and the ginormous messes we can make.

The back of our "lot". We actually use the alley since street parking is small and a pain with our trucks.

The back porch is nice-when the weather's not freezing.

Our cat lives on the porch. Eldon and the children built him a very insulated house complete with a heating pad!

     I had a couple more pictures of the front but blogger has decided I've maxed out my picture storage (that I didn't even know was a thing!) and demands I pay for more. Deleting some posts isn't helping, nor anything else I try. Someday I may spend another few hours trying to find a solution but for now, this is it :). 

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