Friday, March 10, 2017

Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue

A few weeks ago one of Eldon's co-workers mentioned a donkey rescue that she volunteers at and we thought it sounded like a good place to visit so today we made that happen!

This rescue is the biggest in the US and normally has 500-1,000 donkeys. Right now there is only 700 and it was A LOT!! Most of the donkeys, mules, burros,and the few horses they take have been neglected or abused. Occasionally it's a pet that someone can no longer take care of. The Rescue gets them cleaned up, tames them, and then delivers the donkeys to other rescue centers all over the US where they are adopted out. They also pick up donkeys from pretty much anywhere in the US. 

 Next month student vets will be coming to castrate 135 jacks so they can be adopted out (sound fun?!). Many need to be treated for ringworm and have hoof work done as well.

Lots and lots of donkeys grazing in the winter wheat fields that surround the farm. 

The mammoth mules! The King of Spain gifted 2 Spanish jacks to George Washington and many of America's donkeys and mules can be traced back to them.

This is Romeo, a sweet little mini pony. He was by far the children's favorite and would come charging in whenever we gave anyone else attention! 

That huge white mule is Lily. She didn't want her picture taken but I was astounded how massive she is. I couldn't even see over her back when standing beside her!

After 3 of the 15 workers spent a lot of time with us, we ended up in the gift shop. They gave the children each a coloring book, bracelet, tablet, pen, and sticker. We loved this place and most likely will end up visiting again to satisfy our homesteaders itch :).

We used to have a mini donkey and it truly was the best pet better ever. It followed us around like a dog. They are also great guard animals. I'd highly recommend looking into a rescue near you and adopting one, if you're looking for a new pet!

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