Sunday, January 24, 2016

Catch up

Now for some fun catch-up pictures of life in general!

2 weeks ago our new church blessed us with a grocery shower. We were quite surprised and thrilled to say the least. It was so fun to open everything!

We have a big church but they were very generous! 

Emily sitting in front of the heater. This is "her" spot!

Eldon and Emily making pancakes. I barely know how anymore. What a great problem to have!

My bookworm! Makayla is 6.5 and in second grade. She just finished the Little House series and is devouring the American Girls as fast as I bring them home from the library. Eldon and I both loved to read when we had time so I'm not surprised.

These 2 were preparing for a battle against the people who disobey God. There were Israelites in Gideon's army. Can you tell where we are in our Bible reading?

Ethan is almost 10 months old. Where has time gone?!! I have seen him standing here looking up the ladder several times. I hope he doesn't try it.

Last week this poor guy was sick. Fever for 3 nights, barely slept and grouchy as good be. Teething, I said.

After 3 days of not being able to keep his fever under 100*, even with Tylenol every 4 hours we knew we had to do something. After our fabulous Dr's in Harrison I was dreading the process of finding a new one. But, God led us to someone we loved right away. Poor guy had double ear infection. He is doing much better now, thanks to antibodies and numbing drops!

Saturday night pizza with my mom and dad. It is SO fun to have our children interact with grandparents on a regular basis. 

My instant pot is my newest favorite thing in the kitchen. I've made yogurt and eggnog in it.  Meat, potatoes, stew, and boiled eggs. If I need a big kettle I can just set the insert on the stove because it's stainless steel!

She "broke" her leg so Melissa put in in a splint.

I've been staying busy doing what moms do, and school of course. Every Tuesday morning I take the children to story time at the library then we do our grocery shopping. I enjoy it, some weeks more then others :) . 

Eldon has been helping dad around the farm a lot. They've built a dock, dug in the mud with their tractors, and there's always eggs to pack when you have 19,000 chickens! His biggest project has been working in our shed. He built himself a lovely tool bench and shelves and organized all his tools. I couldn't have done a better job and I love organizing!

The next few weeks will bring some major changes. After taking 3 months off from nursing, Eldon will be taking his first travel job in Brownwood, Tx. He starts there February 1. It is 2.5 hours from dads but he has 3 days off every other weekend so at this point we are planning to come back at least that often. Pretty handy to have a house on wheels! It looks like a very nice area with an amazing state park so we are excited to explore it.

I do want to encourage you to watch this video about Who God is when you have time. It's only 11 min long and has been a huge blessing to me this past week. 

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